Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An idea that can transform India

If education has been recognised as the fundamental transformative force that can literally pull generations out of the clutches of poverty, why then are our libraries the most neglected of public institutions?

Just as the mid-day meal scheme of 2002 has worked wonders in drawing children to school, so too can an innovative strategy in the form of interesting, well-stocked libraries make a difference to children in rural and municipal schools in India. Libraries, not with boring and badly printed government text-books full of spelling and grammatical mistakes, but with well-illustrated, colourful and pop-up books, scientific and educational toys.

While establishing the world’s largest radio telescope near Narayangaon, Pune, radio astronomer Govind Swarup had made a visit to the nearby village school at Khodad. Everything went well till he visited the school “library”. Some new books had been kept locked in a cupboard and children were meant to admire these books through the glass door. The books were not to be touched because “they would get spoilt”.

Full report here DNA

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