Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A scholar among bureaucrats

Once in the late 1950s, the then prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru was to address the students of Delhi School of Economics.

On such formal occasions, the head of the Delhi School, V K R V Rao, expected students to wear silver-grey, buttoned- up coats with the institution's crest.

On the appointed day, the students found one of their compatriots looking rather uncomfortable in the formal outfit. There was something conspicuous about this uncomfortable looking student. His identity was revealed when he stooped a little while climbing stairs—and a pistol fell out of his pocket.

Ashis Bose, a student at the function, later asked Nehru if he could address about 100 students at Gwyer Hall, a Delhi University hostel. "No luck, young man," said the prime minister much to the disappointment of Bose who was to become one of the country's pioneer demographers. His memoirs are suffused with admiration for Nehru.

Full report here Down To Earth

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