Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tintin comes to India, speaking Hindi

Karod kasmasate kaale kacchuve! Yes, that’s what our Tintin's short-tempered best friend Captain Archibald Haddock would say if you angered him.

Surprised? Don’t be. It is only the Hindi translation of his famous abuse, 'Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles'.

Translated into 50 languages across the globe, Tintin's latest stop on his world tour is the Indian shores. The Belgian reporter has undergone a desi makeover in his latest avatar, 80 years after the much loved comic character was born, and Indian readers will now be able to read his adventures in Hindi.

"The adventures of Tintin are the best comics in the whole world and I'm glad that having the books in Hindi makes them available to a wider range of readers," said Puneet Gupta, translator of the comics.

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