Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Joining hands

Having worked with theatre group Ekjute, under director Nadira Babbar for a really long time, Pawan Uttam realised that it was time to breathe in some fresh breath into the Hindi theatre industry.

Pawan recounts his observations, “I was in Nadiraji’s group when I realised that in a lot of Hindi theatre groups in Mumbai, actors and directors hardly watched any work outside their group. Neither did they watch each other’s plays. I came across Akarsh Khurana who works with Akvarious. Though mostly he was doing English plays, he had worked with a lot of different people and was not so critical of other people’s works.”

Hence, Pawan got a new perspective about his passion and adapting of the work of Pakistan’s famous Urdu writer Janab Shaukat Thanvi Sahab took place, with actors from different groups like Ekjute, Akvarious and Ansh joining hands.

Full report here DNA

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