Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chetan Bhagat on mistakes in education system

Chetan Bhagat belongs to the funny, sensible and no nonsense breed. He can laugh at himself, at the system and still come through as someone who cares enough to want things to change and knows that they will, someday.

In Hotel Courtyard by Marriott for an interaction with members of Essence Organisation on Friday, Sep 3, the author of bestselling Indian novels such as Five Point Someone and the recent Two States spoke about the pitfalls and lacunae in the education system in India. "Indian education focusses on filtering over learning, remembering over thinking, and exhibits a lack of sync with the globalised world," he said.

He compared the education system in the country, which uses cut-off marks, to a process that requires 50 children on a bicycle for the first time in their lives to get to the other side. Most of them fall down, two or three make it and they are declared as the only ones fit to be in the system, which does not have a place or provide options for the rest.

Full report here Times of India 

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