Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Love in the time of IIM

Anirban Mukherjee's Love, A Rather Bad Idea… All It Gives Is Lousy Hangover, is a coming-of-age tale

When Chetan Bhagat wrote books on mundane subjects we thought no one would be interested in, the youth lapped it up. And when we assumed those books with little literary merit wouldn't score among publishers, they went on to become bestsellers. Then they came, a bunch of IIT and IIM alumni wanting to write about their experiences.

Anirban Mukherjee, an IIM-Kolkata and IIT-Delhi alumnus, is one of them. He has “dared” to tell the story of his IIM days in a 100-page book that has a rather flimsy title, Love, A Rather Bad Idea…All It Gives Is A Lousy Hangover, published by Delhi-based Srishti Publishers. The book is about coming of age, especially in a highly competitive environment.

Well-narrated with the “language” of young urban students, the story, reveals itself through chapters with juvenile titles such as ‘Kiss no girls behind the walls' and ‘Girls should be seen, not heard'. And, through each of these chapters unfolds the life of Samar, the protagonist with rather grey shades, and his friends Pranav, Rohan, Skimpy and Dildo.

Full report here Hindu

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